The Pathfinders Saga

Canadian producer SYDNEY NEWMAN wanted to develop a children's adventure serial, which could educate its audience about science and the developing Space Race.

Target Luna was a British television serial produced by ABC Weekend TV.

The success of the Target Luna spawned three sequels: Pathfinders in Space (1960), Pathfinders to Mars (1960-61) and Pathfinders to Venus (1961), starring GERALD FLOOD and STEWART GUIDOTTI in the recast roles, as "Henderson" and "Geoffrey" respectively.

MALCOLM and ERIC PAICE wrote all four serials, which all received high audience ratings. Telerecordings of the Pathfinders series were made for sales to overseas broadcasters but despite seemingly being recorded, Target Luna is currently missing from the television archive.

Music (Pathfinders In Space, Pathfinders To Mars, Pathfinders To Venus)

Opening titles: "Zero Minus Sixty" (ROBERT FARNON) performed by THE MELODI LIGHT ORCHESTRA

Entitles: "The Challenge Of Space - Escape Velocity" (TREVOR DUNCAN) performed by The New Concert orchestra

Above, L-R: Prof Wedgwood, Valerie, and Geoff

Background, L-R: John Cairney, Geoff, Conway Henderson, and Jean Cary [Nostalgia Central]

Target Luna (TV serial, 1960)

Professor Norman Wedgwood is the head of an experimental rocket group on remote Buchan Island in Scotland. His children, Geoff, Valerie and Jimmy visit him to watch the launch of his latest rocket, along with journalist Conway Henderson. When the pilot is taken ill, Jimmy finds himself taking his place on a mission to the Moon along with his pet hamster, Hamlet. After several harrowing hours in space, Jimmy, Hamlet and the rocket are finally brought down to earth.



Episodes / Also starring

Broadcast on ATV London, ABC Weekend TV, STV, TWW, Southern, Anglia, UTV. Not Tyne Tees.

JOURNEYS into space will soon be fact, not fiction. Target Luna, a six-episode ABC serial starting this Sunday, will bring to children all the drama of the latest scientific advances.

Getting a man into space is easy; the big problem is bringing him safely back into the Earth's atmosphere. Around this problem Malcolm Hulke and Eric Paice have built their story.

They point a lesson in international unity. "We soon see," said Malcolm Hulke, "how the plight of one human being in an Earth-bound rocket catches the imagination of the whole world. Radar stations - Russian, American, British and others - are linked in a global effort to bring the rocket home.

"Space travel, it turns out, is a great unifying influence among the nations. The old law of the sea becomes the law of space, too."

The scene is set on a rocket isle off Scotland (though the open-air sequences have been filmed off the Essex coast). Professor Wedgwood (David Markham) is ready to send the first man (William Ingram) off on the great experiment.

The island is cut off by heavy seas, and the professor's children, who have been there on holiday, cannot go home to London. The three young Wedgwoods are Valerie (played by Sylvia Davies, 17), Geoff (Michael Craze, 17) and Jimmy (Michael Hammond, 13). Jimmy's pet hamster. Hamlet, also has a big share in the adventures.

A computer operator, played by Deborah Stanford, shows the children round the rocket station and the controls are explained to them. Then Jimmy gets lost in the control room, in a maze of dials and flashing light panels, and accidentally sets off the alarm. That is the start of the drama in outer space that has the world holding its breath.

Michael Hammond is a veteran of schools' programmes. When not devouring science fiction, he is operating an electric railway in his bedroom. Viewers have met Sylvia Davies as the girl in pigtails in Knight Errant '60. Michael Craze has already worked with Mary Field, consultant on children's television. He appeared in the film Blow Your Own Trumpet, which she made for the Children's Film Foundation.

David Markham has 15 years of television acting behind him. John Cairney. who plays a radar engineer, told me "Since starting on Target Luna I know a lot more about science than I did."

Guy Cheviot

Background, L-R: Valerie, Jimmy, Professor Wedgwood, and Geoff [IMDb]

Pathfinders In Space (TV serial, 1960)

Professor Norman Wedgwood and his team are planning another rocket mission to the Moon. Once again, Geoff, Valerie and Jimmy are on hand to witness the launch of a new rocket MR1 (Moon Rocket 1), along with journalist friend Conway Henderson. However, when the automatic supply ship MR2 (Moon Rocket 2) fails to launch Henderson and the children make a desperate rescue attempt with Jimmy's pet Hamlet.

They set off in MR2, only to discover Valerie has stowed away. MR1 lands first but MR2 nearly collides with an unknown object.

Inside a large cavern, the group discovers an airlock, which leads them all to discover an alien craft, the fossilised body of a man, and an ancient journal regarding the man - an alternative human who fled earth, with others, from a war only to die from lack of supplies on the Moon.

Elsewhere, meteors strike MR1 and the rocket explodes, meaning that only two members of the expedition of can leave in MR2. Then Wedgwood makes an attempt to fly the alien vessel. Eventually, the entire group return safely to earth. Once back home, Wedgwood remarks "As man reaches out to touch the stars, who knows what he may find."



Episodes / Also starring

A mission to the Moon is in peril when a rocket develops a malfunction. A second rocket launches in a desperate effort to save the crew.

One of the rockets successfully lands on the Moon. The second rocket picks up a third, unknown rocket, in orbit around the Moon.

As exploration begins it quickly becomes apparent that someone or something has been on the Moon before them.

Jimmy finds an underground cavern, and another spaceship. Valerie makes a shocking discovery.

A civilization visited the moon 400m years ago. Meanwhile, a meteor shower threatens the rockets.

A video recording in the alien spaceship tells the sad fate of the ancient civilization, and gives a clue to their identity. Meanwhile, the meteor shower destroys the mothership. Can they use MR2, not designed for a return voyage, to get back to Earth?

The MR2 leaves for Earth, with only one adult and one child aboard. The rest of the crew stays behind in the cavern, learning as much as they can about the ancient visitors before the air runs out. But does the ancient spaceship left behind by the visitors still work?

Broadcast on ATV London, ABC Weekend TV, STV, TWW, Southern, Tyne Tees, Anglia, UTV.

Background, L-R: Harcourt Brown, Professor Meadows, Conway Henderson, and Geoff [Archive TV Musings]

Pathfinders To Mars (TV serial, 1960-61)

A secondary mission in a new rocket, MR4 (Moon Rocket 4), to the Moon takes off from Buchan Island. This time Henderson takes the lead role as pilot accompanied by Professor Wedgwood's oldest son Geoff as radio operator, Professor Mary Meadows, Henderson's niece Margret along with Hamlet. However one of the crew turns out to be science writer named Harcourt Brown who has plans to divert the ship to Mars determined there is life on the planet. Brown succeeds in getting MR4 to Mars, but with the length of the journey, the crew decide that the only way to get home is to find water on Mars.

Encountering Lichens, crevasses and other perils, Brown discovers no intelligent life and feels cheated by the others so he decides to leave the others behind on the planet but lichens infiltrate MR4, giving the Rocket crew a chance to overpower him.

Earth has moved out of the Martian orbit, making the journey home impossible. Yet Brown has a theory that if the gravity pull of the Sun could get home but the crew slowly succumbs to gamma rays. A total eclipse with Mercury blocks the rays but they quickly find themselves being caught in Mercury's gravity pull.

Buchan Island makes various satellite fixes on Mercury, which enables MR4 to make the journey home but Brown ponders of the idea of life on another planet and sees Venus as a possibility...



Episodes five and six were broadcast live.

Episodes / Also starring

Professor Wedgwood plans another moon expedition and the crew await the last minute arrival of a Professor Hawkins, but a mystery man takes his place in the rocket.

The expedition is on its way to the Moon, but the crew do not know that one of their party is an impostor.

The impostor, Harcourt Brown, has taken control of the moon rocket and holds Margaret hostage as he heads for Mars. What can Conway Henderson do to foil this crazy plan?

Harcourt Brown has diverted the rocket to the red planet to prove his theories on intelligent life on Mars. After six weeks, the rocket approaches the barren surface of Mars - but there is nothing solid on which to land.

Taken to Mars against their will, the British space explorers search for precious water for the long journey back to Earth.

With Earth quickly moving away from Mars, the explorers must leave immediately or face 16 months in the lifeless Martian desert.

Broadcast on ATV London, ABC Weekend TV, STV, TWW, Southern, Tyne Tees, Anglia, UTV.

Background, L-R: Conway Henderson, Professor Meadows, Margaret, Harcourt Brown, and Geoff [Archive TV Musings]

Pathfinders To Venus (TV serial, 1961)

Returning from their unexpected trip to Mars the crew of MR4 intercept a distress signal from US astronaut Captain Wilson and change course for Venus to attempt a rescue. However, Brown sees what appears to be a settlement or a city of some sort. Desperate to investigate, Brown edits Wilson's message and tricks the crew into landing on Venus so as they can rescue him.

The crew discover, much to Brown's delight, that the planet is capable is sustaining life and is a vast jungle, and find Wilson's rocket-capsule ransacked and ripped apart from the inside by something. Brown gets separated and finds Wilson, who then tricks him into finding his 'city'.

Henderson, Meadows, Geoff, and Margaret enter caves in a volcano and find cavemen living within. Margaret finds Wilson, Brown, and a Venusian cave-child whom she names 'Kiki'. The group are forced to escape the lava flow and find themselves in a desert.

Travelling through the desert, the Wedgwood party discover Venus is a living duplicate of Earth, with dinosaurs and prehistoric humans existing parallel to each other. They discover diamonds, uranium deposits, and an ancient burial ground for Kiki's ancestors.

Returning to the jungle, they discover the lava has set the jungle alight in the direction of MR4. Brown decides to set the rocket to overload but Henderson stops him, and a Russian rocket lands nearby. The pilot, Colonel Korolyov, explains they have extra fuel for MR4, in exchange for Wilson's secret mission - an experiment in stellar telecommunications.

Aware of his responsibilities in hijacking MR4, and that to him Venus is an unspoiled paradise, Brown announces he is remaining behind since Kiki has lost her parents. MR4 is given fuel for the return journey in space and takes off. Finally, after months away from home, the rescue party return to Buchan Island.



Episodes / Also starring

Returning to Earth, Henderson and crew receive an SOS message from the direction of Venus. A US astronaut's spaceship has been damaged by a meteorite. Henderson and a Russian supply rocket begin a rescue attempt.

The MR4 arrives at Venus. Harcourt Brown is convinced that he has seen signs of life on the surface and lies to Henderson telling him that Capt. Wilson has already been forced to crash land on the planet.

Geoff and Margaret locate Wilson's crashed spaceship, which is empty and ransacked by something with very big teeth. Wilson and Brown set out to find the Venusian city.

The hairy thing with the big teeth traps Professor Meadows and Margaret in the MR4 rocket but it vanishes before Geoff comes to the rescue. They set off into the jungle to find the others.

The explorers become lost and separated in a cave system under a mountain which is home to a clan of primitive cave people. To add to their woes they realize that the area is prone to volcanic activity.

Margaret's new little cave girl pal Kiki helps the crew escape from the lava caves. Brown's Venusian city turns out to be a disappointment and Professor Meadows becomes ill after she receives an insect bite.

The Russian supply rocket is soon due to arrive in orbit so the long walk back to the MR4 begins.

A jungle fire puts the MR4 at risk and Brown plans to sabotage it to safeguard Venus from future human exploitation. Kiki helps Capt. Wilson back to the rocket after he gets thumped by a Venusian Neanderthal.

Broadcast on ATV London, ABC Weekend TV, STV, TWW, Southern, Tyne Tees, Anglia, UTV.